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Updating desktop agent

Due to the nature of Content, Disarm and Reconstruction (CDR), the Bodyguard agent does not require frequent updating like antivirus products. You can expect an update of the agent once a month.

How to handle updates depends on the applicable scenario:

Single desktop installation (via GUI)

Users are able to perform updates.

  • Auto update (since version 4.1.0:
    Upon boot, the agent will automatically search for updates and install it silently. Every hour the software will look for new updates.

  • Manual version check (requires local admin rights):
    1. Right-click the Bodyguard icon in the system right (bottom right of Windows)
    2. Select "Search updates"
    A message will appear if there is an update available.
    The user can accept or reject the update.

Mass deployment to multiple desktops

In this scenario it is desirable that users can not update themselves.
This needs to be disabled with an option during deployment, see manual for mass deployment.

The agent will update automatically since version 4.1.0. Upon boot, it will automatically search for updates and install it silently. Every hour the software will look for new updates. If auto update is disabled, an update can be rolled out by redeploying the agent.

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